If you hav been released under investigation call us now – we can help.
Released Under Investigation?
If you have had an interview with the police and have been released under investigation, we will help and advise you.
Police figures show that over 193,000 people have been released under investigation (RUI). That’s a lot of worried people roughly equivalent to a town the size of Reading or Slough. They are all waiting to find out what happens next. Some of those released are professionals worried about the outcome of the investigation. There are two possible outcomes they will be charged with a criminal offence or they will be told there will be no further action.
Why is released Under Investigation different from bail?
In the “old days” a suspect was taken to the police station, interviewed and then a decision taken either to charge, or release on bail to a date. The bail provision provided some control on both police and suspect. Officers had to be at the police station on the day of return. This avoided case being left whilst officers dealt with new incoming work.
The Policing & Crime Act 2017 changed all that. Now officers release suspects with no date of return, no date to work to and in many cases no indication when the matter might be concluded.
We understand that being released under investigation is stressful. The waiting means you cannot get on with things and all your plans are on hold.
Free initial advice
We are criminal defence specialists and provide advice and representation to clients who are released under investigation.
If you are worried about your case, call us free of charge on 020 8986 8336 and ask to speak to Gil Spurling or Keith Hollywood. Or email [email protected]
The upside
It is not all bad news. There are some cases where in the past charges would have been brought but are now released under investigation. This is because the new procedure allows the police to further investigate the case without time pressure. This can benefit the suspect. It provides opportunities for legal work that may lead to an investigation being abandoned and the suspect told there will be no further action. Alternatively, we can use the time to collect and preserve important defence evidence.
What can Moss & Co do for you?
If you attended the police station unrepresented then you need legal advice as soon as possible. We need to establish whether there are any further steps the police intend to take, such as a further interview. You also need to make sure that the investigation is carried our in a timely way and that you are told the result quickly.
It is also important that anything that helps your defence such as CCTV, time stamped receipts, eyewitnesses, alibi evidence, character evidence and bank statements are preserved.
An apportunity?
Finally, being released under investigation is an opportunity for you to instruct your solicitors to make representations to the police or CPS that no charges should be brought. There are several ways this can be done. They include:
- collecting evidence that demonstrates you are not guilty
- making representations that the threshold for prosecution is not met
- showing that it is not in the public interest to prosecute
We have had many successful outcomes for fraud and other cases where the above strategy has led to no charges being brought.
Some of our client’s had a different solicitor represent them at the police station. We can offer a further opinion on your case and we may be able to move things along. We can also make representations as above.
Attendance at a police station is free of charge unless you wish to instruct us privately.
Our fees for pre-charge advice and representations are either charged at an hourly rate or we will agree a fixed fee with you.